Autor-Archive: Arno Wirtz

Personal Project 3 – Germany

After a seemingly short summer Autumn has arrived in Germany.

With it came a distinct change in the light.

The sun is lower, shadows longer, and there is often fog in the air and on the ground.

To that is added the slightly warmer colour of the light and together the mix creates a distinct atmosphere and softness.

The fog and haze also create beautiful streaks of light when photographing straight into the sun.

It’s often a case of picking the right lens for this kind of light, but luckily I own one lens which just seems to love these atmospheric conditions.

It’s difficult to actually say which time of year I prefer for my photography.

Autumn though is one of the best times to be out and roaming the landscapes with my camera.

Lueneburger Heide near Niederhaverbeck, Germany
Lueneburger Heide near Niederhaverbeck, Germany

News: Release of a new range of fine art gift-/postcards and prints

I’ve just released a new range of fine art, handmade gift- & postcards.

The range was specifically designed and released for the Leopoldstal area, a tourism destination in the Eggegebirge of Germany.

It was initiated by a local business offering accomodation and fine foods.

The cards are produced using the finest Giclée materials available.

Their purpose is to show the beauty of area in a fresh light, showcasing it to current and potential visitors.

Soon the cards will be followed by A4 sized fine art prints for framing.

Here is a view of the selection of images printed on the cards:

News: My 2nd German exhibition has been confirmed

While my first exhibition in Germany is still hanging on the walls, my 2nd exhibition has been confirmed, and will take place in Coesfeld.

That’s great news for me as I thoroughly enjoyed putting the first exhibition together.

While thematically the 1st exhibition is focused on images taken around the Bad Driburg area, the new exhibition will take a wider approach.

Here images of people and landscapes will mingle without a geographical link.

The overall impression of the show will be that of ‚Lebensfreude‘, the German word for ‚zest for life‘.

The preliminary date for the opening is the 01 December 2013.

Further details will be released closer to the date.