It’s definitely autumn over here in northern Germany.
What I love most during this time is the crispness of the light on a sunny day.
It makes my heart jump up and down in joy – it’s that beautiful – and I just love it.
I also love walking around while looking at the light.
There is a new melancholy in the air that I hadn’t noticed in the summer.
Watching the people go about their day it’s clear that life is slowing down and getting ready for the long winter months.
The people will miss the light and warmth that the warmer seasons provide.
There are different sounds in the air and what appears loud in summer suddenly seems muted.
Not sure if this is just my impression – or if sounds really do sound different in autumn – but to me it’s a tangible change that I enjoy.
With the change in the light and sound comes a certain quietness that has a sense of calm.
As the world chooses a lower gear it’s the people around me that grab my attention.
I notice lots of them enjoying the rarer sunny days and making the most of the warmth that soon will seem like a luxury in the harsher climate of the German winter.